The Women’s Ministry of Faith Fellowship is about supporting and encouraging women to grow in the Word and enhance their spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. Naturally developing relationships that will help to strengthen Faith Fellowship women and our community.

We also offer a variety of Small Groups for women - click here for more detailed information on what these groups are and when they meet!



Lord, I want to know you (Kay Arthur Study)

Third Wednesdays of each month for supper

June, July & August

When the car won't start we call a mechanic. Likewise, when the bathroom overflows we call a plumber. Yet, when we are in the midst of a spiritual struggle we often fail to call upon God's provision, comfort and strength. In this insightful study of God's names, Kay will teach you how to call upon the names of God so that you can connect with your: Protector in times of vulnerability, Healer in times of illness, and Provider in times of financial drought. Learn how to call upon specific names of the Lord who can provide for your every need.

Click HERE to register for this group!